01. Conveyancing

This process normally commences with a referral from an estate agent, but sometimes parties decide to approach directly.

In the latter instance, David is particularly good at drafting private sale agreements. He does this himself – quickly and efficiently. The service is free if the transfer is included in the instruction.

On receipt of a sale agreement, a file is opened and a standard process commences. Robyn Horne normally drives this as professional assistant, but David is always there to back up with advice and direction if the need arises. David also handles certain transfers himself – especially those that are more complex.

VOA uniquely operates on a target date driven conveyancing process. What we encourage is that the parties agree at inception upon the target date for registration and we adjust the workflow to suit. Normally a transfer takes 6 to 8 weeks, but things can be done to accelerate or retard the process. We therefore manage expectations from the start and doing so avoids misunderstandings and disappointments.

As a boutique practice, there is a dynamic interaction between conveyancer and paralegal. Quick effective problem solving is part of what we do. David finds meeting with the parties when trouble arises most effective. He has a style of dispute resolution that really works. Regular reporting on email and/or phone is another key service issue.

The parties are constantly kept advised.

We pride ourselves in facilitating a pleasant conveyancing experience for all concerned.

Cost Calculators

Contact VOAttorneys today for any of your conveyancing needs     Contact

02. Estate Agents

  • Instant advice on problem clauses and contract difficulties
  • Tactical advice on contract closure situations i.e. deal making rather than deal breaking.
  • Advice on legal problems arising during the convey process.
  • Settlement of disputes between seller and purchaser via mediation – a complimentary service.

03. Developers

  • Project model conceptualizing, be that sectional title, mini sub development or share block.
  • Development site acquisition – be that negotiating and/or sale agreement drafting.
  • Drafting project sale documentation.
  • Management of Pre sales – sales settlement and securitization.
  • Coordination of the professional team (legal aspects)
  • Opening of sectional and township registers.
  • Registration of purchaser transfers

 Commercial Contracts

Share Sales

Business Sales

Immovable Sales

Joint Venture Agreement

Shareholders Agreements

Partnership Agreements

Trust Formation


Mediation / Dispute Resolution

Voluntary process whereby parties to a dispute are assisted in finding their own solutions.
Results are largely dependent on the skill of the mediator in bringing the parties into better understanding of their respective factual and legal positions, thereby creating a platform for finding a solution.
No victor/vanquished scenarios. Understanding the ideal mediated solution is where the parties walk away maybe not enchanted with the result, but able to live with the outcome.
Particularly effective in resolving property purchaser disputes.

General and Tactical Legal Advice

Years of Experience

A fountain of advice is available from David in a generalized context, resulting from 38 years of practice experience.

David has a specific talent for applying a psychological dimension to hard core legal situations. Brilliant lawyering is not always about knocking the socks off the opposition!